Disclosures of documents u/s 4(1)(b) of RTI Act 2005
1. | Particulars of the organization, functions and duties | |
1.1 | Name of the organization | School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada. |
1.2 | Functions and duties | As per SPA Act 2014 and subsequent amendments thereon and SPA Statutes 2016 |
1.3 | Organization Chart |
Organisation Structure of SPAV.Organizational Structure. |
2 | The powers and duties of its officers and employees | As per SPA Act 2014 and subsequent amendments thereon and SPA Statutes 2016. |
3. | The procedure followed in the decisions making process, including channels of supervision and accountability | As per SPA Act 2014 and subsequent amendments thereon and SPA Statutes 2016. |
4. | The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions | As per SPA Act 2014 and subsequent amendments thereon and SPA Statutes 2016. |
5. | The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions | SPA Act 2014 and subsequent amendments thereon. ACADEMIC ORDINANCES |
6. | A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control | Records relating to Academics, Academic & Staff Administration of the School. |
7. | The particulars of any arrangements that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof. | Policy related matters are decided as laid down in SPA Act 2014 and SPA Statutes 2016 and as per the directions received from MHRD/GoI from time to time. |
8. | A statement of boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public. |
Board of Governors Senate Finance Committee Buildings and Works Committee Selection Committees Departmental Promotion Committee other committees for smooth functioning of the Institute at Committees. ||MINUTES OF MEETING |
9. | A directory of its officers and employees |
Directory of the officers and employees of SPA
Vijayawada (2024) |
10. | The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations. |
Pay Level and Monthly Gross Salary Details of the Employees of SPA Vijayawada as on 31.03.2024
11 | The budget allotted to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made | Annual Reports upto 2022-23 available at
https://www.spav.ac.in/annualreports.html SPAV SAR Replies 2022-23. Separate Audit Report (SAR) 2022-23 Annual Accounts 2022-23 STATEMENT OF BUDGET ESTIMATES, REVISED ESTIMATE AND ACTUAL RECEIPTS |
12. | The manner of execution of subsidy programmes,including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes |
Fee Structure for 2023-24. Fee Structure for various years of admission |
13. | Particulars of recipients | SC,ST beneficiaries data for 2023-24. |
14. | Details inrespect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form | www.spav.ac.in |
15. | The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use | Library facility can be availed by Students of the institutions in the vicinity, on producing Student Identity Card. Library facility can be availed by general Public also, with prior permission of the Competent Authority. |
16. | The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers | First Appellate Authority: Shri K V Uma Maheswara Rao - 08.04.2022 onwards Registrar Tel.No. 0866- 2469446 E-mail. registrar@spav.ac.in Central Public Information Officer (CPIO)- 07.12.2021 onwards Dr. Venkata Krishna Kumar Sadhu Associate Professor of Architecture E-mail: cpio.rti@spav.ac.in Nodal Officer Shri S. Sai Diwakar Naik - 29.09.2020 onwards Assistant Registrar Assistant Public Information Officer (Admin.) - 07.02.2024 onwards Shri P V S Shyam Kumar Deputy Registrar E-mail : spavapio@spav.ac.in Assistant Public Information Officer (Academic), vide Office Order Ref.No.10/SPAV/Estt./O.O/2024 dated 03-12-2024. Dr. Anil Kumar Chilakapati Assistant Professor E-mail : apioacad@spav.edu.in Address for Communication The Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada Survey No.4/4, ITI Road,Vijayawada-520008, Andhra Pradesh, India Contact: +91 866 2469 446 www.spav.ac.in Consultancy Committee of Key Stakeholders RTI - 12.06.2023. RTI PIO FAA committee - 12.06.2023. RTI Committee. Past TermFirst Appellate Authority: Dr. R. Adinarayanane - (from Feb. 2019 to 07.04.2022)Associate Professor of Planning, Dean (Planning and Development) E-mail. adinarayanane@spav.ac.in Mr. Bhagwat Jayeshkumar Maheshkumar - Acad (APIO) - (from Dec. 2021 to 17.12.2024) Assistant Professor E-mail : apioacad@spav.edu.in Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) Dr. Amitava Sarkar - June 2019 to 06.12.2021 Associate Professor of Architecture E-mail: amitava.sarkar@spav.ac.in Assistant Public Information Officer - Admin. (APIO) - (from 05.02. 2020 to 06.02.2024) Shri S. Sai Diwakar Naik Assistant Registrar E-mail : saidiwakar@spav.ac.in spavapio@spav.ac.in |
17 | Such other information as may be prescribed | Application under RTI Act 2005: Applicants/Indian Citizens along with proof of identity may ask desired information by writing a letter addressed to Central Public Information Officer (CPIO), SPA Vijayawada by enclosing Indian Postal Order/Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque worth to Rs. 10/- in favour of School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada. |
18 | Details of RTI requests and First Appeals received and disposed 2022-23 | FAA Report 2023-24 RTI Report 2023-24 |
19 | Details of beneficiaries of subsidy programme |
SC,ST beneficiaries data for 2023-24. Beneficiaries of subsidy programme list of SC & ST Students admitted in the A.Y 2022-23 Details of beneficiaries of subsidy programme -List of SC & ST Students adminteed in the A.Y. 2021-22 |
20 | Immovable Property Returns for the year 2021 & 2022 | Details of Immovable Property Returns for the year 2023 Details of Immovable Property Returns for the year 2022 Details of Immovable Property Returns for the year 2021 |
21 | Court Cases List |
Details of LIMBS Data uploading format_LegalCell_07.03.2023 Details of LIMBS Portal Data uploaded status on 19.06.2023 Details of Court Cases List Details of Court Cases List 2 |
22 | Recruitment Rules of SPAV | Details of Recruitment Rules For Faculty positions ( By Direct Recruitment) Details of Recruitment Rules For Faculty & Non-faculty positions of School of planning and architecture vijayawada |
23 | Audit Report |
Transparency Audit Report FY 2023-24. Transparency Audit Report FY 2022-23 Transparency Audit Report FY 2021-22 |
24 | RTI Guidelines | Right to Information (Regulation of Fee and Cost) (Amendment) Rules, 2005. Right to Information Act, 2005 - Notifications. Guide on the RTI Act, 2005, RTI Logo, Guidelines for Public Authorities, CPIOs and Information seekers. |
25 | Procurements | Details of the bids placed and awarded during April 2023-March 2024 |
26 | RTI Quarterly Returns | RTI Quarterly Returns of Q1, 2024-25. RTI Quarterly Returns of Q2, 2024-25. RTI Quarterly Returns of Q1, 2023-24 RTI Quarterly Returns of Q2, 2023-24 RTI Quarterly Returns of Q3, 2023-24 RTI Quarterly Returns of Q4, 2023-24 |